Tuesday, February 21, 2012


      We may get to go back to Germany, I hope we do, there are a lot of things that we did while we were there that I would like to do differently. The last time was kind of spere of the moment and not well planned. Mainly I would like to brush up on my French a bit more and give Paris some more time than we did.
      When we decided to take the weekend to go to Paris, well we didn't book a hotel room and we ended up having to stay in Versaille. After eating the most amazing breakfast in the world, fresh chocolate crissants, we asked where the palace was, I am really surprised the guy didn't laugh in our faces when we asked if we needed our car. We drove there, which was a mistake because it was only a couple blocks away and we waited for a parking spot for an hour. Then we stood in line for an hour just to find out that American citizens are suppose to stand in a different line first... FUUUUUUUCK. Our entire day was exactly like that and I blame the car. Really I do, don't drive to Paris unless you are going to spend a week site seeing.

I know you can't tell but those are "lines"

      The places that we enjoyed ourselves at the most were places that we found just while driving. Not having any idea what to expect or what to go see. Like when we found this old church, called Notre Dame.

     Brussels was my favorite place that we visited and it was again, totally spur of the moment. We woke up that morning and thought, "how about Belgium waffles for breakfast?" So we did eat waffles, and chocolate and beer. We went to a beer store, they had more than one and the store was filled with beers from top to bottom, totally overwhelming but we found a book in the store and purchased what they had suggested.

      Actually just all of western Europe was great, yeah, all of it. But if I had to pick just one country to stay in, I would pick Germany and here is why.

The gardens

The strawberries taste better
Nothing goes to waste

Hard work

The history

Because around every corner you find something like this.
The nature

And there are castles

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Super Easy Mini Quiche

       Mini quiche is kind of the soup of breakfast. What I mean by that is if you have eggs and cheese, you have mini quiche. Just throw whatever you have left over in the fridge into your quiche, makes it interesting and its always tasty. Use the rinds of cheese hunks, that last bit of sandwich meat thats not enough for a proper sandi, the spinach thats about to go bad, the one spring of green onion you are not sure why you didn't chop up, really whatever. 

      Melt you some butter. It's not necessary to melt it in a pan but I don't own a microwave.

      Crush up some crackers in a ziplock or croutons, or hard bread or just use bread crumbs.

     Fill muffin pan cups with butter and crump mixture and smash down with whatever you can find.

      The hardest part of the whole process is chopping up veggies and cheese and whatever meats you find.    

     If you are using white onions and mushrooms, saute them in butter, and then eat the remainder of the stick.

     Layer the cheese on top of the crumbs, mix the cheese, don't mix it, I don't care what you do.

     Then put everything else on top, filling it to the very tippy top.

     Crack a couple eggs, pour about 1/2 cup of cream in and give it a generous grating of the nut of meg. Use fresh nutmeg, really it makes all the difference in the world.
      At this point you can either fill each cup with egg mix and cook in a 300 degree preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes or you can keep the egg separate from the rest of the quiche and make it later. Like Sunday morning.


  • 1 cup of crush crackers, bread crumbs, croutons, whatever you have. I used crackers and italian bread crumbs for flavor. 
  • 5 TBSP of melted butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup cream
  • 1/2 cheese 
  • other toppings of your choice
  • nutmeg, salt and pepper. 
   Preheat oven to 300. Melt butter and mix into crumbs, add about a tablespoon of mixture to each muffin tin. Smash into place with fingers or glass jar that has been sprayed with non-stick spray. Layer with cheese then other toppings to nearly the top. Mix eggs, cream, salt, pepper and nutmeg then pour over muffin tins. Bake for 20-25 minutes.